Comfort Cooking with Oleanna - The Absolute Best Christmas Cookie!
Christmas cookies are an age-old tradition, and the internet is full of recipes for them, so why not do a different twist on this holiday treat. Oleanna, the world's most beautiful and sexy cook, will guide you step-by-step in making the ultimate Christmas cookie. A huge cheesecake cookie! Oleanna's stunning sensual presentation has taken the internet by storm, and this video was so hot, that Youtube banned it. But now you can see the "Comfort Cooking with Oleanna" videos here. Regardless of whether you decide to make this Christmas cookie or not, the video is such a joy to watch that you may even forget what she is baking!
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All content and images © Copyright Frederick Potter and Oleanna Potter, Sensual Goddess Publishing | The model appearing on this site as "The Sensual Goddess" is Oleanna Potter. Any reproduction of her likeness is strictly prohibited. All rights reserved. No part of this website may be reproduced or used in any form or by any means - graphic, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or information-storage-and-retrieval systems without written permission. Read our PRIVACY POLICY